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Steps to take for solopreneurs,and professionals to stay relevant in the New Economy.”

Zig R Zag.com

The Knowledge Economy” is growing. The world is in the beginning of a “mind growth” in which knowledge is replacing physical resources as the main driver of economic growth.

The U.S. Office of Economic Development calculates that between 1985 and 1997 the contribution of knowledge-based industries to total value added industries increased from 51% to 59% in Germany and from 45% to 51% in Britain.

Top companies in America and around the Globe are now devoting at least a third of their investment to knowledge-intensive intangibles such as R&D, licensing and marketing. Universities are among the most important engines of the knowledge economy. Not only do they produce the brain workers who man it, they also provide much of its backbone, from laboratories to libraries to computer networks.

The trend for the next economic boon is in “Mind and Knowledge Industries” and as we covered in other blogs… Creative Industries. This is the current and future direction of business.

Question – As an entrepreneur, solopreneur or small business owner what are you doing to keep pace?